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    Gegevens Kind (Child data)

    Naam kind (Child name)*

    Geboortedatum kind (Date of birth of child)*

    School (School)*

    Gewenste Startdatum (Desired Start date)*

    Welke dagen opvang gewenst (Which days of childcare desired)*


    Heeft U kind al op een dagopvang gezeten? (Have you already been a child on a day care)*

    Zo ja, welke? (If yes which one)

    Kennismaking (Introduction)

    Kennismakingsgesprek (Introductory meeting)*

    Gewenste tijd (Desired time)*

    Datum gesprek (Date of conversation)*

    Gegevens Ouders (Data parents)

    Ouders/verzorger (Parents / Caretaker)*

    Email ouders /verzorger (Email Parents / Caretaker)*

    Telefoon ouders/verzorger (Phone Parents / Caretaker)*

    Het is de ouders/verzorgers bekend dat door BSO BOON de afspraak eerst per e-mail bevestigd wordt alvorens hij definitief is. BSO BOON beantwoordt deze kennismakingsaanvraag gewoonlijk binnen drie werkdagen. (It is known to the parents / caretakers that by BSO BOON the appointment is first confirmed by e-mail before it is final. BSO BOON usually answers this introductory request within three working days.)

    Velden met een sterretje* zijn verplicht! (Fields with an asterisk * are mandatory!)

    BSO BOON ESCAPADE, Escapade 9, 1183 NM Amstelveen, Telefoon: 020-4721300,,, KvK:33098423, IBAN:NL61RABO0101381611, BTW:0014.50.712.B01, LRK nr. BSO BOON Escapade: 163500320, BSO BOON is een onderdeel van Sportondersteuning Nederland B.V.

    Tour request at BSO BOON

    Of course we at BSO BOON understand that before you entrust your child(ren) to us, you first want to see what BSO BOON stands for and what the options are.

    You can request a guided tour with us without obligation. If you are already convinced, you can also register your child directly with us. This is followed by an introductory meeting and a guided tour with your child.

    BOON’s vision is that Exercise starts at BOON because BOON believes that children should exercise. They have been at school all day and movement is no longer an issue there. So at BOON you will find no computer games, no TVs, no use of mobile phones or iPads. No, it is precisely because exercise is so important for the development of the child that BSO BOON is located at the Escapade Sports Park, the ideal place for your child!

    Because BSO BOON is by far the sportiest BSO in Amstelveen and the surrounding area!
    For more than 12 years, BOON has proven that it fully achieves its objectives. BSO BOON divides the children into two groups, namely the Minis (children aged 4 to 7 years) and the Maxis (children aged 7 to 12 years).

    For the Mini’s games inside. Creative crafts, listening to music and dancing in our disco! But of course exercise remains paramount, the sports fields and sports halls available to us are used daily.

    The Maxis are all about movement. Tennis, basketball, skiing, use of the BOOTCAMP course, swimming for children with a diploma in the pool De Meerkamp or at Health City Escapade. The possibilities are endless!

    And music lessons for both groups. Both Guitar and Piano lessons are given. There are plenty of instruments to loan, free of charge, to the children being taught to practice on.