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    Inschrijfformulier vakantieopvang

    Holiday care registration form

    De ondergetekenden, The undersigned BSO BOON;

    Contractant (Contractant)*

    Adres (Street)*

    Postcode / Woonplaats (Zipcode / City)*

    Email adres (Email)*

    Telefoon (Phone)*

    In aanmerking nemende dat contractant gebruik wenst te maken van de vakantieopvang bij BSO BOON op het vestigingsadres: Escapade 9, 1183 NM te Amstelveen. Zijn als volgt overeengekomen:

    Voornaam kind (name child)*

    Achternaam kind (Family name child)*

    Geboortedatum kind (Date of birth of child)*

    Wenst op de volgende dagen vakantieopvang (Kruis aan wanneer opvang gewenst is). Would you like holiday care on the following days (please tick if care is required)

    Voorjaarsvakantie (Spring break)
    Week 1, Datum (Date)

    Meivakantie (May holiday)
    Week 1, Datum (Date)

    Week 2, Datum (Date)

    Zomervakantie (Summer vacation)
    Week 1, Datum (Date)

    Week 2, Datum (Date)

    Week 3, Datum (Date)

    Week 4, Datum (Date)

    Week 5, Datum (Date)

    Week 6, Datum (Date)

    Herfstvakantie (Autumn break)
    Week 1, Datum (Date)

    Kerstvakantie (Christmas break)
    Week 1, Datum (Date)

    Week 2, Datum (Date)

    Totale aantal af te nemen vakantieopvang dagen:
    Total number of holiday care days to be taken
    Totale kosten dagen ad € 120,- = Totaal:
    Total costs for days of € 120 = Total: €

    Ondergetekende, Ik ben akkoord met de prijzen en voorwaarden (Undersigned)*

    Velden met een sterretje* zijn verplicht! (Fields with an asterisk * are mandatory!)

    BSO BOON ESCAPADE, Escapade 9, 1183 NM Amstelveen, Telefoon: 020-4721300, E-mail:, Website:, KvK:33098423, IBAN:NL61RABO0101381611, BTW:0014.50.712.B01, LRK nr. BSO BOON Escapade: 163500320, BSO BOON is een onderdeel van Sportondersteuning Nederland B.V.



    • Costs per day: €120
    • Holiday care is from Monday to Friday.
    • A holiday care day at BOON is from 8:00 AM to 6:30 PM.
    • When signing the agreement, the days that will be used during the holiday must be stated. These dates can still be changed or canceled one week before the booked days without incurring any costs.
    • If holiday care participants want to go on so-called ‘outings’, an additional contribution will be due.
    • If your child(ren) are unable to attend on the specified day due to illness, this day can be used at another time during the holiday.
    • We politely request that you return the holiday care agreement, signed for approval, to BSO BOON as soon as possible, so that in connection with the expected crowds, no children will be disappointed because placement is no longer possible.
    • The prepayment of the total amount must be paid before the start of the holiday.